The official Face Mojo iOS app is now available. Check it out in Apple’s App Store.
User Manual
General Use Instructions
The Face Mojo iOS app is designed to be quick and simple to use.
- To get started simply rest your face and hit the ‘Auto-Calibrate’ button. This will calibrate the app to your resting face improving recording accuracy.
- When you’re ready to start recording hit the red circle record button.
- Once you are finished recording hit the red square stop button.
Please see the buttons reference image for a breakdown of all the buttons (below).
Once the recording is finished the motion capture data will be stored in a JSON file. This JSON file can be transferred to your computer and then be used to apply the recorded animation to a 3D character. I currently have a plug-in for applying the animation to Daz 3D characters inside Daz Studio available in my Daz 3D store.
Buttons Reference
Smoothing Options
Face Mojo iOS App Smoothing Options
If you open up the options for the app you will see a ‘Weighted Moving Average’ (WMA) slider. What this slider controls is the amount of blending of recorded values values between frames. It subtracts the last reading (L) from the newest reading (N), multiples it by the weighted moving average (W), and then adds back in the last reading (L).
(N-L)W + L
So, a WMA of 0.8 essentially blends in 80% of the next reading to help reduce jitter. A WMA of 1 disables any smoothing it would provide.
Daz Studio Smoothing options
When baking the animation in Daz Studio you are also offered additional smoothing options.
They smooth the animation by reducing the number of keyframes. It uses the value of the slider multiplied by two as N. Then it adds N number of keyframes together, divides them by N, and uses the result for the Nth keyframe.
The morphs smoothing default value of 1 really shouldn’t smooth it very much since the app records at 60FPS and most 3D animations are probably rendered for either 30FPS, or 24FPS playback. Essentially, if you’re creating a 30FPS video, if you were to use 0 smoothing the playback would just be skipping one of the recorded frames. With a value of 1, instead of skipping a frame it would use the average of the two frames.
Apply the Animation to a Character in Daz Studio
Face Mojo for Daz Studio has now been updated with the everything you need to bake the animation from Face Mojo’s iOS app JSON files. If you don’t have the Bake Animation (JSON) script please update to the latest version.
I just putchase both the app on my ipad and the daz3d tool, but it does not work…
When i open the json file in daz3d 4.21, an error message says “an error ocurred while reading the json file please see the log file for more details”
Could you help me please ?
Hi, Thanks for using my products!
Sorry you’re having trouble getting it to work properly.
Are you selecting the character you want to apply the animation to, double clicking the “Face Mojo – Bake Animation (JSON)” script, and then selecting the JSON file of the recording?
Hi LayLo, will there be a Genesis 9 Version of Face-Mojo in the future?
Hi! Yes, there will be. I’m in the process of finishing it up!
Hi LayLo, will the Face Mojo I purchased for Genesis 8 & 8.1 work with the new Genesis 9 ? Thanks
Hi, Thanks for using my products!
Unfortunately, the Genesis 8/8.1 version of Face Mojo won’t work with Genesis 9’s new topology, sorry.
Hi there. I love this software and have been using extensively on various projects. Unfortunately there is quite
a big stability problem and it is often with re opening Daz files that have the motion capture information baked into the characters. These files tend to crash regularly and one project I created recently with 6000 frames of motion capture refuses to re-open at all. My work round has been to do all the modelling lighting and posing on the scene and then to finally import the .fbx with the motion capture data, applying it to the characters and then rendering. The project with the imported data seems pretty stable, but then if saved, the project will not re open, or with smaller motion capture files, is unstable and will crash. Any thoughts or suggestions much appreciated. Thank you.
Hi, Thanks for using my products!
I’m sorry to hear you’re experiencing a stability issue. It seems to me Daz Studio’s FBX import/export isn’t the most reliable. Have you tried deleting the head imported in from the FBX file after baking the animation? That could potentially help. My only other idea would be to try the Face Mojo iOS app for recording since it doesn’t use FBX files it may prevent the issue.
I will try doing some testing if I get a chance to work on some Daz projects here soon. Let me know if either of these suggestions help.
Thanks and best regards,
Hi, wonderful work on Daz! I am very interested in this app as well, i’d like to ask you if it record also the tongue movements, that would help the phoneme’s visualization and also some funny animation.
Hi! Thanks! It does record tongue movements, but Apple ARKit’s (the technology the motion capture uses) ability to detect it is pretty limited, and it only detects movement in one direction.
Hey LayLo
on the apple store it says your app supports iphone 6s and up but these don’t have true depth camera does it still work or do you still need a iphone x or higher?
I’ll have to edit the store page. It requires an iPhone with a TrueDepth camera, so an iPhone, X or newer excluding any new models without a TrueDepth camera.
I’ve spent the longest time finding and registering in order to purchase, to no avail. There is no add-to-cart sign under Face Mojo for me to purchase. The add-to-cart sign is under all your other apps.
I want to purchase Face Mojo but do not see how to add-to-cart, pay and download it to my iPhone.
I have been able to use it online but because I was not ready to use it with Daz Studio Pro I did not complete the procedure, although I was able to implement all your training video procedures.
Should I just access it online and save the data to my files then transfer it to Daz Studio?
I recently bought an iPhone just to use your app
Please advise
Hi, Thanks for using my products!
Sorry you haven’t been able to find it, it’s only available for purchase through the Apple store. The ‘View Product’ button should take you there, but here’s a link just in case.
Thanks for reaching out!
I used the iPhone Face Mojo app to record a person talking head, then I transferred the json and video files to my Mac. In Daz, I selected a character and selected Face Mojo for Gen 8 female. Now what do I do?
Sorry I should probably update the manual. When using JSON files you double click the ‘Bake Animation (JSON)’ script and then it will actually prompt you for what JSON file you want to use. Then you just browse to it, click ‘Open’ and it will do it’s thang.
Thanks for using my products!
hi there,i got the app in ios store, and i recorded the video, but i cant see the json file in my iphone,
please tell me where can see the json file?
i see the video tutorial, in the demo, he can see the FaceMojo’s folder on his iphone, but my iphone is empty, i cant search anything about this face mojo folder on my iphone.
You should see it inside the ‘Files’ app on your phone.
You should see it inside the ‘Files’ app on your phone.
Thanks for your update on this awesome app which makes your Face Mojo plugin more powerful!
I have a strange problem that the rotation of the head doesn’t work, I can only have the expression. I’m a Daz user, did I miss any step?
Hi, thanks for using my products! Sorry your experiencing a problem.
Hmmm… That is strange. Did you adjust the smoothing options for the head rotation at all? One thing that could have potentially caused this is if you zeroed the characters pose, it may have set the head rotation tuning sliders to 0 canceling out the head rotation. Have you checked them by chance?
Does this problem occur if you create a fresh scene and bake the animation to an unaltered character?
Hi, LayLo
I have some problems. I can get json and MP4 files. but when I decode the mp4 with opencv or ffmpeg, I found the number of images decoded is not equal to the number of information parsed from json. can you provide some hints how to align the images of mp4 to the json. thank you very much.
Hi Jin,
Thanks for using my products! The video should be recorded at 30 FPS while the JSON records data at 60 FPS. I hope that helps.
Hi, LayLo.
I found image numbers * 2 != json data numbers, is this normal or a problem? thanks.
Sorry, I don’t know what you mean by image numbers?
I sent emil to you (laylo3d@gmail.com), sorry to trouble you.
First, thank you for developing this for DAZ. I prefer it to rentware.
I’ve examined both Face Mojo iOS and Face Cap as front ends for DAZ Face Mojo. I’m using an iPhone XR. At this point I’m wondering if there is something peculiar about the iPhone’s audio output.
Face Mojo iOS audio contains an audible hum that makes the audio unusable. Face Cap, FYI, puts out such a low level audio file that it must be amplified by 40db. This week I’m going to replace the iPhone mic with an AT2020. If the issue goes away I’ll know the problem is the iOS mic.
I look forward to your comments.
Ed Gurney
Hi Ed!
Sorry it took me a few days to get back to you. I wanted to look into a few things and see if there was anything I could do to get rid of any hum.
I think I hear what you’re talking about, but I usually only hear it when playing back the audio on the device. When I play it in Adobe Premiere I don’t hear it. This is using an iPhone 11. I just made a tweak in the app, that may help some. I will submit it to Apple and it should be available in a couple of days.
Did you notice any difference with the different mic?
Hi Landon, I got this app for the iphone and it seems to work well but when I look at the files it generates it does not seem to include any fbx files. Does the .json file get translated into an fbx file somehow later?
The two apps “ifacialMocap” and “Face Cap” both generate .fbx files in the file folders on my iphone but facemojo ios app does not seem to generate any .fbx files. I will admit I don’t understand much about all this lol.
Hi again,
I didn’t really see a need to save the data as an FBX file, that’s essentially what the other two apps do. I chose to save the data in a JSON file since it’s a lot smaller and eliminates the need to import anything into Daz Studio. So, to answer your question, no it doesn’t get turned into an FBX file, the data needed is read straight from the JSON file.
Hi,I am from china, can`t find ios app in china app store.
That seems strange. App Store Connect shows that it should be available in China mainland. Are you searching for it from your phone or iPad? I don’t think it will show up if your browsing from a Mac or MacBook.
Thank you, I found it.
Hi, LayLo, I also confused about the meaning of “auto calibrate”, can you give a simple discripiton?
Awesome, glad you found it. Here is a video showing how to use it and it explains auto calibrate at the beginning: https://youtu.be/2E9zImOpVoo. It calibrates the ARKit to your face improving mocap quality by zeroing out the values when you’re resting your face.
Hey Laylo, I’m having an issue with the json file. When I load it through your plugin in DAZ, it removes all the keyframes to 0 and there is no face data motion loaded at all. Didnt see anything the manual about it. Am I missing somthing?
Thanks for using my products, I’m sorry you’re experiencing an issue.
That’s strange. Can you email me the JSON file, so I can take a peek at it please, laylo3d@gmail.com?
Thank you for getting back to me, I just emailed you the file. Thanks for taking a look at it.
Thanks for sending me the file. Looking at it, it doesn’t look like a JSON file created from this app. Are you sure you didn’t get it mixed up with a different one?